Additionally Confirmed Genes of African Swine Fever (ASF) Virus (1 Piece) from Livestock Goods Carried by Chinese Tourist
Public Relations Division

□ The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (hereafter ‘MAFRA’) confirmed genes of African Swine Fever (hereafter ‘ASF’) virus from processed pork sausage carried by a Chinese tourist who entered from China (Harbin) to Incheon International Airport.

* (2018) 4 detection cases of ASF genes (2 Sundae sausages, 1 dumpling, and 1 sausage), (2019) 14 detection cases of ASF genes (9 sausages, 2 Sundae sausages, 1 smoked pork meat, 1 hamburger, and 1 pizza)

❍ The processed pork product (1 piece, sausage) where genes of ASF virus was detected has been brought in by a Chinese tourist who entered via the Incheon International Airport on August 4 from Harbin, China.

❍ After analyzing the sequence of genes, it was confirmed that it showed the same genotype of the virus that occurred recently in China.

* The survival status of the virus will be finally confirmed after cell cultivation test (approx. four weeks).

□ In the peak summer holiday season, MAFRA urged those travelling overseas not to carry livestock goods such as pork meat and products containing pork from overseas.

❍ Any overseas tourist carrying and failing to declare livestock goods may face fines of KRW 5 million or up to KRW 10 million for the initial breach.

* Imposition Status: 16 cases (3 Korea, 5 China, 3 Uzbekistan, 2 Cambodia, and 1 each from Thailand, Mongolia and Philippines)

** In this case, fines were not imposed since the tourist self-declared prior to arrival.

□ MAFRA urged pig farms and livestock officials to refrain from visiting ASF affected countries, and strictly follow ASF preventive emergency codes of conduct such as not visiting farms for five days after arrival, and washing clothes and shoes from overseas.