Focusing on all capabilities in the prevention and control of African swine fever in spring
Public Relations Division

○ The Central Disaster Management Headquarters for African Swine Fever established and promoted 'prevention measures for farms' to prevent the spread of virus to breeding pigs.


-(Situation Diagnosis) More than 300 cases have occurred in wild boar this year, and virus continues to be detected even in environments such as soil, water pools, vehicles and equipment around the detection point.


○ In order to block the influx of virus to farms via main causes of spread including 'vehicles, people, and media', focusing on the quarantine capability of each farm


-Thorough implementation of measures such as access control of vehicles, installation of rodent and insect control fences and bird netting (media), complying with basic rules such as washing of hands and changing boots (person)


- Strengthening voluntary participation of farms through producer groups and central and local government inspections


○ Prevent the spread of African swine fever among wild boars and take nationwide quarantine measures** including intensive disinfection of contaminated areas.


-(Wild boar) Rapid maintenance of wide-area reinforcement section, removal of entities and pollutants as much as possible through wild boar capture and carcass search


- (Prevention Measures) Reinforcement of monitoring through intensive disinfection and environmental inspection of contaminated areas, such as border areas, and access roads and major roads to pig farms