460,645 Back-to-farm & Back-to-earth Farmers (329,082 Households) in 2019
Public Relations Division

◈ The back-to-farm & back-to-earth population in 2019 was 460,645 people or 329,082 households, which decreased slightly year-over-year.

* Back-to-farm population: 16,181, back-to-earth population: 444,464 / Back-to-farm household: 11,422, back-to-earth household: 317,660

❍ Back-to-farm movement is led by the young in their 30s or younger, and back-to-earth popuation in the 60s increased as the babyboomer generation starts to retire.

❍ Increased tendency of careful back-to-farm movement where the householder moves first and other family members join afterward

* Increased proportion of single-person back-to-farm households: (2018) 68.9% → (2019) 72.4%

❍ 34.1% of back-to-earth households chose back-to-earth movement because of their occupation (33.3% in 2018)


◈ Expanding back-to-farm & back-to-earth policies in preparation for the impact of COVID-19 situation

❍ Provding short-term back-to-farm education programs linked with agricultural jobs

❍ Expanding employment & startup capacity building supports to youths and back-to-farm farmers

❍ Strengthening provision of information on back-to-farm & back-to-earth movement including education, housing, employment, startups and local conditions, etc.