Now, untact campaigns are the mainstream Follow along at home, 'Niagara Healthy Dance'
Public Relations Division

◈ Summary of 'Niagara Healthy Dance' campaign

❍ (Purpose) To revitalize rural villages through easy-to-follow dance moves to trot melodies in the midst of the depressed rural atmosphere due to COVID-19 crisis

❍ (Description) Development of easy joint fortifying exercise and composing a trot song, sung by Seo-jin Park

* Slogan: Follow along and bring youth to rural village! Bring youth to rural village with Seo-jin Park

❍ (Spreading) Produced 10 videos and published on the Youtube channel (650,000 views), voluntary spread of 'challenge' of dancing along the moves at home (more than 30 videos)


◈ Overview of '2020 Asia-pacific Stevie Awards'

❍ (Overview) Awards for innovation of enterprises, organizations and public agencies in the Asia-pacific region in marketing, PR, advertising fields

* Established in 2013, and awards gold, silver and bronze in around 100 categories including policy communication

** Judging criteria: Comprehensively evaluates storytelling and diffusion based on 'innovation' as an indicator

❍ Award category of MAFRA: Silver in promotion event category*

* Award-winning government agencies in 2020: MOFA, MCST, MOHW / All awards in public sector

❍ (Participants) 1,200 candidates in 22 countries this year, evaluated by 100 international judges

❍ (Evaluation) Excellence in COVID-19 overcoming message, innovation in planning and diffusion method

❍ (Award Schedule) A worldwide online award ceremony to be streamed live on September 22, 2020