MAFRA begins construction for a resources bank ‘Microbiome Resource Center’
Public Relations Division


❍ (Overview) Build a specialized institution to collect, analysis, and distribute microbiome (collection of microorganisms) resources in the agricultural food industry, and support building and utilizing big data.

* 750, Baeksan-ri, Sunchang-eup, Sunchang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, 1 building, 4 stories above ground (total floor area 7,974㎡)


❍ (Main facilities) Facilities for resources preservation facilities (capacity: 500,000 resources), microbial genome/component analysis, animal laboratory, office space for companies and research institutes, conference and exhibition halls, etc.


❍ (Database) Build master database by analyzing genomes of microbial resources collecte0 d from soil, plants, animal feces, and food, support utilizing the data. (training, information provision, etc.)

* Microbial community genome database: 550 sets in 2020 → 3,500 or more (cumulative) in 2023