To support urban citizens who wish to migrate to rural areas so that they settle in farming villages and engage in agriculture through training, counseling, information provision, and experience programs with the aim to improve agricultural labor and promote the local economy
Related Projects
Project for encouraging urban to rural migration
To operate support centers by local governments to attract urban citizens through experience and integration programs, and support temporary accommodation
Through the ‘Living in the Rural’ program, urban residents wishing to migrate to rural areas are encouraged to settle down in a stable manner by providing them with opportunities to experience agriculture and rural life and interact with residents. And support urban residents who plan to migrate to rural areas by providing experience programs and exchanges with locals through ‘Living in Rural Area’ program to ensure their smooth integration
Training for urban to rural migration
Support training for agricultural basics and techniques for prospective migrants by training institutions (70% government, 30% self-payment)
Long-term training for young migrants
Support practical training for unexperienced young migrants who stay in the long-term (6 months) (70% government, 30% self-payment)
Support for agricultural start-ups
Support training for urban-to-rural migrants to start up a business in the agricultural industry, such as processing, distribution, and marketing (70% from the national budget, 30% from the self-pay)
Support for agricultural start-ups and hosing purchases
To provide migrant farmers with long-term (5 years, 10 year repayment) loans at a lower interest rate (2%) than commercial banks for farming lands, agricultural facilities, housing purchase and renovation when staring up a business (up to KRW 300 million for agricultural start-up, up to KRW 75 million for accommodation)
Eligible applicants are those living in a city before migrating to a rural area, engaging in non-agricultural fields, moving to a rural area within recent 5 years, and completing at least 100 hours of training related to urban-to-rural migration.
From July 1, 2019, non-agricultural residents living in rural areas can apply for the support.
Support Center
To operate a comprehensive support center to ensure stable settlement of urban citizens wishing to migrate to rural areas
(Counselling) Provide information and consultation on policies, financing, training, farmland, housing, forestry, farming practices, etc.
(Local information) Operate a website of the support center so that prospective migrations to rural areas can get various information of their interest by the local governments through a preferred channel
(Training) Operate Migrant Academy(4 introductory sessions per week) , on-demand training (2 sessions per week), and small-group class (2 sessions per week), select, evaluate and manage training courses which are provide by private providers, find professional instructors and develop training programs for urban-to-rural migration
(Policy promotion) Promote policies through consultations at fair and policy briefing sessions
(Survey and evaluation) Evaluate outcome of migrant doctors and urban-to-rural initiatives, survey status of the migration and operate meetings