Farmers, fishermen, foresters, persons engaged in distant water fisheries (less than 150 full-time workers), follow-up management of agricultural machinery, and seed producers
Distributers, processors and other organizations in agricultural, forestry and fishery industries specified in Article 4 of the Fund (Nongshinbo)’s regulations
Persons who export agricultural and forestry products and the processed goods and business which manufacture machineries in agricultural, forestry and fishery industries (small- and medium-sized business)
Guarantee Rate
85% for agricultural and fisheries operators and corporations, or 80% for others
Agricultural and fisheries funds (Cannot provide guarantee for household and living funds)
Guarantee Limit
KRW 2 billion for corporations ※ The following business are excluded from guarantee limit - APC, INNO-BIZ corporations, scaling up exports, fund of funds investment firms, distant water fisheries: KRW 3 billion - Modernizing RPC and FTA stockbreeding facilities (interest rate difference compensation), fish farms, and distant water fishing ships : KRW 3 billion for individuals, or KRW 5 billion for corporations -Building and supporting new high-tech greenhouses, supporting smart farms, making economic use of agricultural energy, building smart farms for export. Building new greenhouses, improving aging fishing boats: KRW 3 billion for individuals, or KRW 7 billion for corporations
Special Guarantee Limit
APC, INNO-BIZ corporations, scaling up exports, fund of funds investment firms, distant water fisheries: KRW 3 billion
Modernizing RPC and FTA stockbreeding facilities (interest rate difference compensation), fish farms, and distant water fishing ships: KRW 3 billion for individuals, or KRW 5 billion for corporations
Building and supporting new high-tech greenhouses, supporting smart farms, making economic use of agricultural energy, building smart farms for export. Building new greenhouses, improving aging fishing boats: KRW 3 billion for individuals, or KRW 7 billion for corporations
Guarantee Rate: 0.3 - 1.2% vary by guarantee amount or industry
보증료율(구 분 , 보증금액, 농림어업(1차산업), 비농림어업(2·3차))
Amount Agricultural and Fisheries Industry (Primary Industry)
Non-agricultural and Fisheries Industry (Secondary and Tertiary Industry)
Funds necessary for the development of agricultural and fisheries industries such as agricultural, planting and cultivating funds of agricultural and fisheries operators, livestock funds, sericulture funds and fishery fund (excluding living fund)
Fund necessary for deep-sea fisheries, forestry and seedbed installation
Fund necessary for installation of farming machine follow-up management facilities or acquiring parts
Funds necessary for distribution and processing of agricultural and fisheries goods
Funds necessary for SMEs to export agricultural and fisheries goods and processed goods thereof
Funds necessary to produce agricultural and fisheries equipment
Funds necessary for urban-to-rural migrant farmers and successors in agricultural and fisheries industry to settle down and start up