Secure core technology competitiveness and support industrialization technology development to drive future food industry
Project for high added-value food technology development
Support promising items’ industrialization technology development including alternative food and customized food to take the lead in next-generation food market
Support technology development to provide safe and healthy food and improve confidence in food quality and safety
Support advanced food processing technique development including next-generation food packaging technology
Support smart food production and processing technology development
Project for customized innovation food and naturally safe material technology development
Support products targeting new market in line with market trend and technology development with new technologies
Develop materials with alternative natural material-based ingredients instead of chemical additives
Analyze major information of the food and restaurant industry
ollect and analyze basic information to identify connection between agriculture and food∙restaurant industry to strengthen business competitiveness
Major food and restaurant statistics support status
Food industry major statistics, international material price database, retail POS data base, food company detail information database, food industry ingredient consumption status survey, processed food detailed market status, food industry trend home and abroad, food industry prospect and issue analysis, food consumption trend and POS data analysis, processed food consumers’ attitude survey, processed food consumers’ attitude survey deep analysis
Operate website and hold contests to spread information
Post information on and the website of KREI
Hold thesis contest for university students using the food industry statistical information system (FIS) and food restaurant industry contests
Support food technology transaction and transfer
Meditate and recommend food technology transactions
Meditate and recommend food technology (patent) of universities and research institutions that SMEs need and support technology transfer procedures
Build infrastructure to transfer food technology
Provide food technology information including recent overseas food technology and trends, domestic good food technology, technology transfer statistics to universities, research institutions and SME food companies
Train food technology transfer
Conduct education on transferring know-know for SME food companies in food technology to improve competitive edge on the site
Nurture Professionals in the food and restaurant industry
Operate customized education programs
(Youths) Establish and operate trial groups to foster future talents in food industry and spread bond of sympathy
(High School & University Students) Reinforce customized employment capacity to demand in food industry and provide vocational training centered on field practices
(Incumbents) Nurture core talents in the food industry by operating programs in functional food, future food and food tech contract