Since the occurrence of the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, since 2001) in the US, Europe and Japan, the need for traceability system has been proposed following the increased consumer concerns over the safety of livestock goods
Project Purpose
From breeding such as birth and import to production, import and sales of livestock, to record and manage information in each stage to manage the traceability of livestock and livestock goods so that prompt measures may be taken by retracing the paths in case of problem and providing traceability information in assurance of consumers
Applicable Law: Cattle and Beef Traceability Act
Target Livestock Kinds of the Traceability System
Animals (cattle, pig, chicken, duck) and livestock products (beef, pork, chicken, duck meat and egg)
Major Policy Targets
Cattle, pig, and poultry farms, slaughter houses, importers, distributors (meat packaging and processing businesses, meat (byproduct) sales businesses, livestock goods distribution sales industry, and meat spot sales and processing industry), cooking and selling businesses (restaurants, school institutional meal
(October 2004) Implemented demonstration project of cattle and beef traceability system
(December 22, 2008) Cattle growth stage (June 22, 2009, overall enforcement of beef distribution stage)
(December 22, 2010) Overall enforcement of imported beef traceability system
(October 2012) Implemented demonstration project of pork traceability system
(December 28, 2014) Overall enforcement of pork traceability system
(December 28, 2018) Overall enforcement of imported pork traceability system
(November 2018) Demonstrative project of traceability system for poultry (chicken and duck) and poultry byproduct (chicken meat, duck meat and eggs)
(January 1, 2020) Enforcement of traceability system for poultry (chicken and duck) and poultry byproduct (chicken meat, duck meat and eggs)
Implementation Procedures
Declare, record and manage matters necessary for traceability management of livestock goods in each stage and indicate on the entity or livestock goods (minimum packaging unit)
Operating Entity of Livestock Traceability System
(Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) Manage project, establish project plan and secure budget, etc.
(Local Government) Delegate instruction and supervision of breeding, slaughtering, packaging and selling stages
(National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service) Delegate instruction and supervision of packaging and selling stages
(Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency) Entrust traceability of imported goods (beef, pork, etc.)
(Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation) Commission traceability system and DNA test of domestic goods * (Pig and Poultry) Apply for, issue and notify farm identification number, and issue movement declaration and traceability number, etc.
(National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) Delegate purchasing and supplying management of cattle ear tags and education and promotion of breeding stage
(Korea Animal Improvement Association) Delegate declaration of birth of breeding pigs and submission of breeding status
(Korea Pork Producers Association) Delegate reporting of birth and breeding status of breeding pigs
(Korea Poultry Association) Delegate reporting of export, import and change of breeding chicken and hatchery egg
(Korea Duck Association) Delegate reporting of export, import and change of breeding duck and hatchery egg
Utilization of Traceability Information
(Policy Effectiveness) To control production and supply of livestock goods, improve livestock, control animal diseases and utilize as statistical material for breeding livestock by using traceability information
(Consumer Assurance) To build 'assurance' system for livestock goods distribution by managing traceability in breeding, slaughtering, packaging and selling stages to improve consumer confidence
(Animal Disease Control) In case of animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, to manage risks such as preventing the spread of disease by promptly tracing and controlling
Inquiries of Livestock Goods Traceability System (Call Centers)
(Domestic) 1577-2633, Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation
(Imported) 1688-0026, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency