Established and implemented the five-year Governmental Framework Plan led by the Quality of Life Improvement Committee by enacting (March 2004) the Special Act on Improvement of Quality of Life to improve living conditions in farming and fishing villages
(Phase 1) Expand infrastructure for welfare and education and focus on regional development in underdeveloped farming and fishing villages * Investments and loans of KRW 22.8 trillion in 133 tasks in 4 sectors (112% of planned KRW 20.3 trillion)
(Phase 2) Set standard for public services in farming and fishing villages, identify resources and create values * Investments and loans of KRW 34.5 trillion in 133 tasks in 7 sectors (151% of KRW 22.8 trillion in Phase 1)
(Phase 3) Expand tailored welfare and avoid blind spots of public services * Investments and loans of KRW 46.5 trillion in 185 tasks in 7 sectors (151% of KRW 22.8 trillion in Phase 1)
Phase 4 of the Framework Plan (2020 - 2024)
Reset the policy goal from bridging the gap between urban and rural areas by improving the quality of life in rural areas to responding tailored to the needs of regions and policy recipients
Implement tasks in various fields such as medical care, welfare, education, culture, and living conditions by referring to survey results on welfare of farmers and fishermen and progress of meeting service standards in rural areas
Start investments and loans of KRW 51.5 trillion in 4 sectors such as welfare, education and living conditions, operate evaluation system to assess impact on farming and fishing villages in order to improve under-performing institutions, and introduce a system to discuss implementation in advance
(Improve welfare services) Reinforce public health and medical infrastructure, address medically vulnerable areas, expand preventive health services specialized for farmers and fishermen, and develop rural community care models
(Provide education and culture) Enhance students’ welfare by improving schools in rural areas and strengthening education courses through exchanges between schools. And expand infrastructure for life-long education to provide more education opportunities to the elderly
(Improve living conditions) Expand infrastructure in Eups and Myeons where various living services are available, supply public rental housing for migrants to farming and fishing villages and introduce rural space planning system
(Revitalize the economy) Advance the convergence industry in rural areas, promote local food, boost tourism in rural areas, encourage employment and start-up of various economic actors in rural areas
Applicable Law
Special Act on Improvement of Quality of Life of Farmers and Fishers and Promotion of Development of Farming and Fishing Villages