ocal government (Gun) * Transportation services are provided to locals in jurisdiction of each city and gun in principle, who may utilize transportation companies, local child centers, welfare centers, village councils and non-profit corporations, etc. as project entities.
In Farming and fishing villages. A small number of populations live in vast land areas. Therefore, means of transportation are essential between main villages and points of public services (Eup and Myeon). However, due to insufficient public transportation and high proportion of seniors and underprivileged residents who have difficulty owning and driving a car, they experience difficulty in using public medical, cultural and welfare services. * Regions with Insufficient Transportation: Cities (Dong) 2.3% (twice per hour), farming and fishing villages (Ri) 15.6% (twice a day)
Implement a project to find rural transportation models with the aim to improve transportation conditions in farming and fishing villages (Since 2014)
To vitalize transportation services in the local community in order to improve the accessibility of public services from villages and elevate the level of welfare that farming village residents use practically
To provide rural transportation services using village shuttle buses and taxis, etc. in the underprivileged regions lacking public transportation
(Project Management and Enforcement) Mayors and governors, and Korea Rural Community Corporation
(Qualifications and Requirements) Personnel fit to provide transportation services in farming and fishing villages according to Paragraph 5, Article 3 of the Framework Act on Agriculture, Rural Community and Food Industry
(Subsidy Type and Limit) Continuous throughout supporting period, KRW 3.5 million government subsidy (KRW 300 million buses, KRW 50 million taxis), Subsidy Type: 50% governmental, 50% local governmental * Subsidy Details: (Bus) vehicle purchasing cost, labor cost, fuel cost, etc. (Taxi) operating loss compensation, etc.
Applicable Law
Item F, Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 2, Article 34 of Special Act on Balanced National Development
Subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1, and Paragraph 2 of Article 29 of Special Act on Improvement of Quality of Life of Farmers and Fishers and Promotion of Development of Farming and Fishing Villages
Article 35-2 (Subsidy to Proliferate Transportation Convenience in Farming and Fishing Regions) of 'Special Act on Improvement of Quality of Life of Farmers and Fishers and Promotion of Regional Development in Farming and Fishing Villages'